الاصدار الاخير وصل بتاريخ 2 يونية
التعديلات الاخيرة علي البرنامج
Artisteer 3.0 for Windows Now Available!
June 2, 2011
We are happy to announce Artisteer 3.0 for Windows!
اضغط علي الرابط الاسفل للتحميل
We are happy to announce Artisteer 3.0 for Windows!
اضغط علي الرابط الاسفل للتحميل
الحجم 100 ميجا ويستكمل التحميل
Artisteer 3.0 for Windows (
Artisteer 3.0 for Windows (
The new features in Artisteer 3.0 include:
- Website creation features with support for editing pages and blog posts
- Web design and website samples
- Support for fluid layouts (resizable sheet width)
- Interactive web design preview area (clicking a web design element navigates to corresponding tab in Artisteer)
- Ability to specify design styles for the "Suggest" feature, generating thematic web designs (corporate, simple, retro, etc.)
- Custom CSS options in Export Options
- WordPress theme code based on the default WP 3.0 TwentyTen theme
- Additional header and background graphics
- Additional color themes
- Website hosting service at www.artisteer.net (accessible from within Artisteer)
- Header and footer can now be page-wide
- Added transparency areas for various graphical effects
- Added masked header textures (transparency areas in the texture graphics)
Notes to existing customers:
- As we have not found major issues with the recently released Artisteer 3.0 Release Candidate 2, that version was renamed to the official version 3.0. Therefore if you already have downloaded version 3.0 RC2 ( you don't need to do anything else, just enjoy using version 3!
We will continue resolving any new issues through standard patch releases.
- Please note that version 3.0 will work only in Trial mode if your free upgrade period has expired. For more information on our upgrade policy please refer to our FAQ. You can check your upgrade subscription status here.
- We will be sending an email announcing version 3.0 during the next few days.
- The recently released version 3.0 Beta 2 for Mac seems stable as we are not receiving many new crash reports. Therefore we expect an official version 3.0 for Mac release later this month (June 2011).
- We are working on a new set of features and plan to release version 3.1 Beta by the end of July 2011.
We are also researching HTML5 and CSS3 support to create simpler HTML output, for those users wanting to support newer web browsers only.
- We are finalizing support for Microsoft SharePoint and will release the Beta version for SharePoint users shortly.
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اضغط علي الرابط الاسفل للتحميل
الحجم 100 ميجا ويستكمل التحميل
Artisteer 3.0 for Windows (
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